Tuesday 2 August 2016


friend ask me today if we go on Monteparadiso fest next weekend, can't go unfortunately (or luckily, heheh, depends on how you look at it and how good you know us two), although there is an interesting line up this year with Extinction of Mankind and Crude SS for example, but the most interesting for me will be Pizda Materna and I'm really sorry I will miss them.. about the thing that they will play some gigs this year I already wrote before but today I did small research and found out where you'll be able to see them till the end of the year, so check the poster for dates and places.. hope that I will catch them up in Velenje or Ljubljana..
also at their fejsbuk page you can check some live footage from their recent gigs (Izgubljeno Življenje from Kramp fest is simply rad as fck!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

heheh nisi pravi panker ak ne paradiras na mp-u..
nisam 11 godina bil na tom cirkusu i opce mi ne fali..
uglavnom taj dan dok bu pizda v velenju sam ja v kranju..
pa ak se dogovorimo se vidimo tam..